100 Islands |
Today we went to the 100 islands! :D AHH! It was so fun looking at all the cool boats and souvenirs. I’m honestly so excited to actually go to the islands one day. I wish I could go with all my friends, but we all know that’ll never happen. ;) Elder and Sister Jensen actually went to the islands for Elder Jensen’s birthday and said they went zip lining! AHH! I want to go so bad! :D And they said it’s only 250 pesos for about a half a mile long ride! That’s less than $5! AHH! The excitement is real. (: Other than that.. nothing else really happened.
11-1-16 (Tuesday)
So today we had an early curfew because of All Saints Day so President Deyro said to go out and work at 8:00 and just do studies in the evening. It was kind of a love-hate relationship with that schedule because I just felt off all morning. I didn’t get to read the Book of Mormon before we went out to teach and it just didn’t feel right. But then while studying tonight I was very grateful because I was really able to focus and put in real effort trying to find answers to my questions because I wasn’t sleepy like I always am in the morning. (:
Sister Buna Cruz |
But work today was great! We found lots of super potential investigators today; which is great because I’m determined to have two baptisms every week in the month of December. Even though I’m in the tropical Philippines for Christmas again, I WILL have a white Christmas. ;D
Anyway.. my favorite part of the day was companionship study. I know Sister Buna Cruz is having a hard time right now because her mind is on stuff/people at home so I just felt inspired to share my thoughts and feelings of when I was struggling while in my training and just testified that we’re meant to be here and that we have a purpose here. I don’t know exactly what I said but the whole atmosphere of our companionship changed. I think she felt more peace and I felt more love and patience. And honestly.. I even felt a lot better and happier. (: We truly are here to help our companions just as much as everyone else. (:
11-2-16 (Wednesday)
This morning we went to the cemetery to OYM people because that’s what President Deyro said to do.. And I had a really interesting experience. So while Sister Buna Cruz and I were walking through the meydo [pretty] creepy movie perfect cemetery looking for people to talk to, Sister Buna Cruz really was getting creeped out and wanted to leave. But I kept walking and she was like “Where are you going? Can we go?” So I was like “wait, let’s check there to the left.”
The family is out of our area, which is a bummer, but man.. The way everything ended up going was just too weird and perfect to be a coincidence. I really hope something comes out of that experience for that family. (:
11-3-16 (Thursday)
I honestly don’t even know what happened today. Haha.. I did do weekly planning today which was kind of nice. I felt a lot more accomplished in life since I planned because Sister Buna Cruz isn’t exactly the planning champion. (;
Also! This morning I was just in some kind of blah mood so I kneeled down and prayed for help to cheer up and feel more happy and peaceful in life. And while I was praying one of our neighbors started blasting their music and the song was that “You Raise Me Up” song by Josh Groben and I about died! I couldn’t stop thinking about/remembering growing up and jumping on the tramp and hearing dad sing that song [through the window]. Oh man, it just made me smile that I was able to feel God’s love for me through a cute memory I have of my earthly father. (: Gosh.. I just love my parents. (:
Today I realized I don’t like to do the talking in lessons. I love to ask questions and get to know people and pretty much have them teach themselves and truly figure out what they believe and why. I love getting people to talk about simple truths that they know without even realizing they actually know/have a testimony of a gospel truth. And as they tell me about their life and the things they’ve learned through their life experiences I simply testify of the truthfulness of what they said and tie it to the lesson/gospel principle they need to better know and understand. Honestly I just love getting to know people, especially if they’re super talkative. (:
But anyway.. D is super excited for her baptism tomorrow and so am I! (: She’s super nervous about having to bear her testimony after though.. Haha, I hope she’ll feel comfortable/brave enough to actually enjoy sharing her testimony.
And also.. We went through the BIQ’s [Baptismal Interview Questions] with J today and she’s all ready for her baptismal interview on Sunday. Yeah baby! We’re doing the work! ;D
11-5-16 (Saturday)
D’s baptism was great! She was so cute and giddy while we waited for people to show up. (: It was good to see how excited she was to be baptized. But as great as her baptismal service was.. I’m pretty disappointed that no one from her family came to support her.. That was just heart breaking to learn that even though her parents are very supportive of her decision.. They don’t really care about it. Blahh… Her mom’s even a member.. She should have come!
Me, Sister Buna Cruz, Danica, Sisters Reyes and Alversado |
Honestly today was exactly what I needed in my life! I was incredibly upbeat and happy all day which was awesome because that’s what I was fasting for.. To simply be happier and enjoy myself/time here in 100 Islands. And I truly did! Haa! And I thought all this time food was what makes me happy in life. ;D Maybe what really makes me happy is aircon.. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I was sitting in a building with aircon all day and it’s the happiest I’ve been here in 100 Islands. (;
Haha Anyway.. Lots of great things happened at church today! First! This couple came to church and no one knew who they were so of course we talked to them to welcome them and turns out they were the daughter and son-in-law of a random lady we OYM’d on Wednesday! Whaaat!? Haha, that just truly made me realize that no effort is wasted. (: They were so cute! They were like “our mom gave us this and told us we should come.” While showing us a pass along card we’ve been handing out with the address and time of church. Man.. That just made me really happy. (:
Jeankyle. (: |
Then! D was confirmed a member and there were two baby blessings all before Sacrament. Ahh, what a great start to my day. (: AAANNND! J passed her interview! YAAASS! We have another baptism! :D I’m super excited! And to make things even better.. We had 11 investigators come to church! Even though I don’t always like it anymore, it’s helpful with the work being a blonde American in the Philippines. (: