Well.. P-Day was a lot of fun! Sister Alpino and I actually finished shopping pretty early so we got home early enough to play basketball! Woo baby! It was fun playing basketball with all of the Tebag boys, even though no one would really defend me. ;) I just wanted to play a real game of basketball, but I guess it’s a good thing all of the boys are gentlemen..
After playing basketball for a little while, Sister Alpino and I went home to get ready to work. And while we were getting cleaned up the AP’s called.. “Sister Fivas, President Deyro has received revelation that you are needed in Binalonan 2 area. You will finish the training of Sister Diaz. We will pick you up tomorrow morning at 7:00.” My heart broke.. I don’t want to leave Aguilar one bit! I LOVE IT HERE! I was so excited to finally have a companion for more than one transfer.. Haha, JOOOKE! I’ve literally had a different companion every transfer my entire mission and I’ve been part of two emergency transfers.. Is something wrong with me? ;)
Tatay Cesar |
7-5-16 (Tuesday)
So.. I got 3 hours of sleep last night.. I’m so stinkin tired! The AP’s got to the house early so I didn’t have time to take a shower. Luckily I showered last night after basketball. ;) Anyway.. I’m in my second area now. I hate it. Not really, but I’m just so dang uncomfortable here. It felt like my first day in the mission field and I did not like that. It’s not like there’s anything wrong with the area.. I just don’t know it AND it’s huge! I went from 5 barangay [neighborhoods] to 13. It’s just different here so I’m uncomfortable.
Sister Diaz |
Sisters Diaz, Alinton, Quijada |
Today was better for me. I’m still uncomfortable in lessons though because Sister Diaz and I do things differently in lessons. And.. It sucks having people talk about how I should be able to speak Tagalog. It kind of sucks replacing another American that goes home in like 3 transfers, because everyone compares my Tagalog with hers. It’s also hard here because people here speak Ilocano, but in Aguilar it’s Pangasinan. Nosebleed ako talaga! [?] Even though I’m not in the most comfortable situation I’ve ever been in, I’m still really genuinely happy. I miss Aguilar and everyone there so much, but at least I have a nice companion that is really sweet and patient with my crappy Tagalog and teaching skills. :)
Sister Alinton, Sister Diaz |
Sister Quijada, Sister Diaz |
Today was a pretty relaxing and chill day. It was kind of nice having weekly planning today because I got a couple extra hours to kind of sit down and relax. But in both of our lessons today I felt pretty awkward. Especially when we pulled up to this recent convert family and they all just stared at me like they hated me. I guess no one told them that Sister Stomberg got transferred, so when I showed up and told them I’m Sister Diaz’s new companion they all started to bawl! Honestly I was uncomfortable being there. They were all so heart broken that Sister Stromberg was transferred. No joke, for like 10 minutes I just sat on the floor while everyone cried because I wasn’t Sister Stromberg. It’s not like they were rude to me or anything, but I couldn’t help but think “It’s fine I don’t want to be here just as much as you want Sister Stromberg back. I’d rather be back in Aguilar too.” I mean once they all put themselves together they were really nice to me, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable. It was almost a feeling of “oh no, you’re not welcome here.” But on the Brightside, I now know how badly I want to be a good missionary so people will love me like they love Sister Stromberg.
Maymay. She's the daughter of a recent convert. |
Also.. I’m on exchanges with Sister Standage! We met in Urdaneta and Sister Standage and I came to her area in Villasis and Sister Diaz and Sister Sanico are in Binalonan. It’s kind of fun being with Sister Standage again. I’m actually excited to work with her again tomorrow. When we got to the apartment President Deyro was having interviews with the other sisters and actually ended up interviewing me. It was really fun to see and talk with him, but it made me a little uncomfortable.. Like I kind of wished he was my dad. It made me want a big bear hug from my dad and have him pump me up and tell me I can do this. ;)
A members grandsons birthday.. I don't know people or their names yet.. sorry. Haha. |
Today was great! It was really nice spending the day with Sister Standage. It was just nice to have someone to talk to that I already know with all the changes I’ve had to make this week. It was nice to spend the day with someone familiar. But when I got back to Binalonan with Sister Diaz I was so excited to talk with her and see how her day was. When we got to the house I did the whole “sigh, it’s good to be home.” I liked that because even though I’m new here it actually felt like home when I came back. Maybe that’s a sign that I really am supposed to be here now. ;)
7-10-16 (Sunday)
Well.. I met the branch today! They made me bear my testimony in sacrament meeting and I was so uncomfortable doing that. I guess I just don’t want everyone to know how bad I really am at Tagalog. I mean it was fine, but I was pretty nervous. I don’t know why though.. We only had a whapping 55 people come to sacrament/church. Yikes! This branch needs some serious help reactivating the other 500 members. I’m excited to help reactivate these members though! This is a big part in why I wanted to serve a mission in the first place. I want so badly to help these people remember, and re-ignite the testimony they once had. I’ll do anything to help them re-find the happiness that comes from living the gospel and being worthy to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. I will truly do anything to help them come back to the church and to Christ..
But! On a lighter note, it rained super hard today so while proselyting we were just walking on the street but it was literally like walking down a creek that goes up to your calves. It was so dang fun! :)
My District |